Meet Madeline

Made to Momma

Our Story

Welcome to Ringer, a brand born out of the raw and eye-opening journey of our founder, Madeline. The story began when Madeline, a new mom fresh from the whirlwind of giving birth to her first child, left the hospital with the sheer realization that she had absolutely nothing in her arsenal. No instruction guide, no clue about what essentials she needed, and an overwhelming lack of information on where to buy quality products for her precious newborn.

This shocking and amazing moment ignited a spark within Madeline—an inspiration to fill the void she personally experienced. Fueled by a mix of shock and newfound knowledge, she set out on a mission to create Ringer Brands. With a vision to provide parents with a trusted haven, Madeline embarked on a journey to curate a selection of products that are not only top-quality but also safe for the littlest members of our families.

Madeline's personal struggle became the driving force behind Ringer, a brand that understands the chaos and confusion that can accompany early parenthood. Armed with her own experiences and a wealth of knowledge, she took action, ensuring that no parent should feel lost or uninformed in their quest for the best for their little ones.

Ringer Brands is more than just a collection of products; it's a symbol of empowerment for parents navigating the beautiful chaos of raising children. Join us on this incredible journey, where Madeline's passion has evolved into a brand dedicated to making your parenting experience easier, joyful, and full of love.

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